Posts made in July 2020

Installment loans Mississippi

What You Should Know Before Taking Out A Loan

We know there are many reasons why you may need a quick cash loan. With emergency savings not always available and debt levels rising, more people just like you are turning to installment loans in Mississippi to pay for emergency expenses that pop up.

Taking out a loan is a significant financial decision. Because emergencies do arise and immediate access to savings isn’t always available, an installment loan from Speedee Cash can offer you the quick surge of funds that you need. However, you want to be smart about borrowing money.

The temptation with financial loans is to borrow an even bigger sum than you initially required. You’ll want to carefully consider this detail and discuss your situation with a knowledgeable associate at one of our Speedee Cash branches. It’s in your best interest to take out as much as you’ll need to cover your expenses, but no more. This will ensure you will be able to make the monthly installment loan payments without incurring additional debt.

Anytime you borrow money, finance a purchase, or take out a loan, you should carefully consider if it is the right decision for you.  Borrowing money means that you are committing to pay the money back within a specific time frame and at a particular interest rate.

Savings ahead

Short-Term and Long-Term Savings Goals

Having a list of money savings goals – whether they be daily, monthly, or yearly – is a smart way to start the year. In our previous blog post, we discussed how weekly savings and budgeting is a great way to build your nest-egg. However, finding ways to spend less and save more every day, month, and year will help to grow your savings even more.

Here’s a list of daily, monthly, and yearly savings tips that you can start incorporating into your life immediately.

Daily Savings Tips

  • Coffee: Skip buying that daily cup of joe and make a to-go cup from home.
  • Groceries: Buy your groceries in bulk at wholesale stores like Costco or Sam’s Club, and do a meal plan once a week so that you can buy only what you need.
  • Wait to Buy: To help quell your impulse buying habits, wait at least 24-48 hours before spending money on things that cost over a certain amount.

Monthly Savings Tips

  • Cut Out Cable: With services like Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Prime, you can now watch your favorite TV shows and movies for a fraction of the cost of cable TV.
  • Cell Phone: Reduce your cell phone bill by lowering your plan.
  • Lower Your Car Payment: Refinancing your auto loan to take advantage of lower interest rates could save you $1,000 or more over the life of your loan.

Yearly/Long-Term Savings:

  • Set savings goals: Think about why you’re saving. Are you getting ready to buy your first home? Are you planning a wedding? Are you saving for your children’s college education? Keep that picture in mind to help motivate
  • Boost Your Income: Approach your boss about a raise or find other secondary means to increase your income.
  • Retirement Savings: If you can, plan to save as much for retirement as possible within the annual limits.

Saving over the long term doesn’t just happen. It requires you to save as much money as you can by monitoring your spending habits and cutting expenses. It’s not always easy to save money, and sometimes you may require the service of an installment lender in Mississippi when you are in need of emergency funds, but it’s possible with the right priorities and a well-executed plan to start saving for your future today.